Designed by Nature was founded by a mother with a passion for health and nutrition. She was inspired by her daughter getting sick & hospitalized from commercial formulas. Her vision was finding a formula that her daughter could tolerate. Unfortunately, every formula on the market had the same dirty ingredients. Even the "organic" formulas. She focused on the idea that formulas should nourish, sustain our bodies, have pure ingredients and made to meet children’s nutritional needs. That is when Designed by Nature formulas were born.
Designed by Nature's mission

Designed By Nature is commented to bringing a pure, organic, real food formula to parents. Today's formula on the markets have been found to be contaminated with many different toxic chemicals, including melamine, arsenic, BPA, perchlorate, dioxin, and genetically engineered ingredients. Most all formulas today contain fructose and/or corn syrup solids. These heavily processed and chemically treated formulas are a huge burden and toxic to the body & developing brain.
According to parenting.com over 85% of babies are formula fed. It's no secret that today's children are the sickest we have seen in history.
- Autism rate is 1 in 50 children
- Cancer is the leading cause of disease in children
- ADD & ADHD and other emotional diseases has increased over 41% increase in this decade.
- It is now considered "normal" for a baby to have acid reflux, colic and skin issues such as eczema.
Most of the Western Medical community has little to no knowledge of the cause of these major issues our children are facing. They are usually prescribed medication that have little to no effect on the symptoms and do not treat the cause. They also do not acknowledge the link between commercial formulas & foods to health issues.