The Dangers of Soy Lecithin, Soy Oil and Soy Formulas
The safety issues of soy in infant formulas
- Soybeans are high in natural toxins anti-nutrients
- Soybeans contain hemaglutinins, which cause red blood cells to clump together.
- Soy contains goitgens, which can frequently lead to depressed thyroid function.
- Soybeans are over 70%genetically modified containing the highest levels of pesticides.
- Soybeans are very high in phytates, which prevent the absorption of minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron & zinc.
Infant soy formula have been found to cause:
- Behavioral problems
- 1000% more aluminum than conventional milk base formulas.
- Toxic levels of manganese
- Thyroid problems
- Early puberty & fertility problems
The Lancet Study
- 1997 Lancet study showed the daily exposure to estrogen-imitating chemicals for infants who consume soy formulas were 6-11 times higher than adults consuming soy foods.
- The blood concentration of these hormones were 13,000-22,000 times higher than estrogen in the blood. Infants fed exclusively soy formula receive the equivalent of at least 5 birth control pills per day!
“Very few babies benefit from soy formula, and I’m going to go one step further than that: soy formula is the absolute most dangerous food you can give your baby”.
-Dr. Claire McCarthy Harvard Medical School
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